The Moving Wall, an exact replica of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., is coming to New Boston, Texas the weekend of September 5 thru 8, 2025. It will be on display at the "Midway", just east of the Pavilion, right on Rt 82 in town. This 252 foot display is an exact replica of the original Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.
It was created back in 1983 by Vietnam Veteran John Devitt and other veterans who visited the Memorial in D.C. and realized many people wouldn't be able to travel to D.C. to see it. After several attempts of creating that beautiful sheen and etchings, so people can rub the name of their loved ones on a sheet of paper on the travel panels, it was finished and first displayed in Tyler, Texas in 1984.
Plans are just coming together for this incredible, yet very somber event. The Chamber is Sponsoring this event with the help of the City of New Boston and the Boston Entertainment District.
The Sponsor opportunities will be a different result from our normal banners, etc. There will be no banners on site at the Pavilion and Midway area. The Moving Wall is a very historical, yet somber occasion, not to be commercialized onsite. Instead, Sponsors will be featured on our Website, our Facebook Page and a Printed Brochure we'll be printing for our visitors.
We are asking our community of private citizens, veterans, businesses and organizations to help us bring this historical landmark to our New Boston and Bowie County area communities. Many of our local Vietnam Veterans haven't had the opportunity to visit the memorial in Washington, D.C. Worse, many of them are dying off and this is their last chance to honor their fallen comrades.